Family Medical Services | Whitehall, PA
Click here for important privacy practice and health information for patients, as well as forms for both new and existing patients. Conveniently print and fill out forms prior to your next office visit.
Click here for billing information, billing contacts and more. Need to pay a bill? Use our convenient online payment system to securely pay your bills online and save time.
Valerie Lazar is a physician assistant with a Bachelors in Medical Studies and a Masters in Physician Assistant Studies from DeSales University.
Learn MoreDr. Ritwik(Rik) Grover MD of The Plastic Surgery Center is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon who specializes in breast reconstruction, body contouring and a wide array of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures for the face and body.
Learn MoreOur dedicated staff is here to help. Call us at (610) 432.4122 or use our contact form to request an appointment for your family member today. We are currently accepting new patients.
1401 Fairmont Street
Whitehall, Pennsylvania 18052
Phone: (610) 432-4122
Fax: 610-432-6677
The following is a list of our providers and where they are available. Please click on a name to learn more about their specialty, medical education, and professional affiliations.
Monday: 6am – 5pm
Tuesday: 8am – 2pm
Wednesday: 8am – 12 Noon
Thursday: 6am – 6pm
Friday: 8am – 2pm
If you need to page the doctor please press option # 4 (It is important to unblock your phone # so the doctor on call can return your page)
Monday: 8am - 4pm
Tuesday: 8am - 4pm
Wednesday: 8am - 3pm
Thursday: 8am - 4pm
Friday: 8am - 4pm
When the phones are turned off.... Please leave a message with your name, phone number, and concern(s).